General information
Hiiu County/Hiiumaa island
Population: 9 381 people (2021)
County area: 1032 km2
Number of local governments: 1 local government, 1 city
County center: Kärdla city (3160 residents)
Working-age population (age 15-64): 6192 people
Average wage level 2020: 1 354,8 EUR (gross)
Unemployment: 168 people (02.2022)
Hiiumaa provides a developed ecosystem for many different activities, including a network of developed industrial areas and logistics facilities. Economic activity has been successful in conventional fields – rubber and plastics industry, wood processing and furniture industry, textile and clothing industry, food production, (eco)food and tourism having greatly influenced the island´s prosperity. Beautiful and pure nature and a secure environment make Hiiumaa a desired place for people to work, live and rest in which gives even further possibilities in the field of tourism and combining holidays with work related activites. For centuries, Hiiumaa has been a popular resort and tourism area. The interesting history and adventurous present day have something to offer for everyone’s liking, having received much praise and brought successful international businesses to the regioon that add value to the local businesses.
Hiiumaa has a good bioeconomy potential and many business opportunities for internationalisation and technology development. Estonia has one of Europe’s largest bioeconomies, including world-leading expertise in forest-based activity. Supported by high-quality natural resources, ultra-high use of IT and support policy making. With the help of digital solutions and good connectivity, alongside natural resources, Hiiumaa provides good opportunities to bioeconomy development.
In the field of circular economics, there are currently present companies in the field of plastics, rubber and textile. To help it develop even more, Estonia has rapidly picked up the pace in tackling climate change by implementing green transition strategies and making sure, no Estonian, nor region of the country is left behind in making the economy circular. Hiiumaa in particular is a region with long circular economy traditions. It has played an important role in the development of the Industry on the island and has enabled to increase capabilities and grow skills in the sector. The knowledge created through history is possible to convert for the benefit of the future circular economy investment as for now the Estonian and Hiiumaa´s direction is towards sustainable investments.
In addition, Hiiumaa has suitable infastructure for industrial developments – for exampel the technology park of Kõrgessaare on the island is suitable for offshore-related activities. Small vessel production and maintenance and other small-scale manufacturing and production are possible at the park as well.
As an island, fishing has a long history in the region. Fish are processed and the products exported all across Europe. This enables new blue economy (sustainable use of the marine environment) perspectives such as aquaculture, to blend the traditions and history with new knowledge and science.
Although an island, it has great connection with mainland Estonia via sea and also an air connecnt with capital city of Tallinn. Regular flights from Tallinn airport are served to Kärdla. Kärdla Airport has one runway, which is 1,520 metres long and 30 metres wide and two taxiways, which are 14 metres wide.
Find more information about investing in Estonia and the island on Hiiumaa:
For any business opportunity in Hiiumaa Municipality please contact our Regional Investment Adviser Mihkel Kärg
Mob: +372 58513607
Plaanid investeeringut Hiiumaale?
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Hiiumaa Arenduskeskuse investorkonsultant
Ilmi Aksli
tel: +37253420425
Regionaalsete investorteemaliste küsimuste ja teemadega tegeleb peale EAS-i ka 4 regionaalset investorkonsultanti, kes aitavad maakondlikel arenduskeskustel ja kohalikel partneritel meelitada ligi uusi ettevõtteid.
Hiiumaa, Saaremaa, Läänemaa ja Pärnumaa regioonide ühine investorkonsultant
Mihkel Kärgtel:
+372 58513607